Do the Five Gods Have Beef

The Sacrifice Glossary is an alphabetical list of all terms, accompanied with explanations and links, that appear in Sacrifice's main campaign, counting the missions, the manual and all the supporting sources about it.

A [ ]

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Abaddon [ ]

Abaddon, also known as "Crossroads of Abaddon", is a land in Stygia.

Abomination [ ]

Abomination is one of Charnel's Minions of unknown origins.

Abraxas [ ]

Abraxas is a name for Abraxus used in some of the triggers in Scapex.

Abraxis [ ]

Abraxis is a name for Abraxus used in some of the triggers in Scapex.

Abraxus [ ]

Lady Abraxus is a wizard, an elementalist and Stratos' champion.

Acheron [ ]

Acheron is a wizard, a necromancer and Charnel's champion.

Agothera [ ]

Agothera is the capital of the Glebe and home to James.

Altar [ ]

Altar is a structure used as a link between gods and the wizards that serve them. Through this link, wizards are kept alive even if "killed". There is also a more advanced version of the altar and a less advanced one. An altar can only be destroyed if it is desecrated.

Arborea [ ]

Arborea is a land in Elysium and home to ents.

Archer [ ]

Archer was a name for the Ranger used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Ash [ ]

Ash is a land in Pyroborea.

An idol to Ashur

Ashur [ ]

Ashur is an alias for Marduk. He prefers to call himself by that name in the world of Sacrifice. There is an entire cult devoted to him in the world of Sacrifice.

Astaroth [ ]

Astaroth is the demon lord of Tartarus. His manifestation in the world of Sacrifice is in the body of Gangrel.

Astral Void [ ]

Astral Void is the name for the empty space that exists between worlds. Eldred and Zyzyx are the only two known beings that have crossed the Astral Void.

Athelas [ ]

Athelas is a druid known for writing the Book of the Fyllid and teaching the trolls communication by speech. He was killed in Surtur's Keep, his murder the start of a war between Persephone and Stratos.

B [ ]

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Banishment [ ]

Banishment is an act synonymous with the act of desecration.

Basilisk [ ]

Basilisk is one of James' Yeomen, native to Glebe.

Behemoth [ ]

Behemoth is an ancient creature, native to Thryhring. It is only briefly mentioned in the manual and its fate in the current world is unknown.

Blight [ ]

Blight is one of Charnel's Minions of unknown origins.

Bombard [ ]

Bombard is one of Pyro's Proles. It is a subspecies of the Lummox.

Boulderdash [ ]

Boulderdash is one of James' Yeomen, native to Glebe.

Brainiac [ ]

Brainiac is one of Stratos' Servants of unknown origins.

Bug Zapper [ ]

Bug Zapper was a name for the Locust used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Buta [ ]

Ambassador Buta is a wizard, a sorcerer and one of Pyro's champions.

C [ ]

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Cakatwo [ ]

Cakatwo was a name for the Pyrodactyl used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Centaur [ ]

Centaurs were a species, most likely native to Empyrea or Elysium. They were all slaughtered and only the wizard Jadugarr remains of their race.

Champion [ ]

A god's champion is his/her ultimate servant, often charged with the duty of defending their patron god's prime altar. The champions per god are as following:

  • Yogo for Persephone
  • Charlotte and Grakkus for James
  • Abraxus for Stratos
  • Sorcha and Buta for Pyro
  • Acheron for Charnel (after he usurped Ragman)
  • Jadugarr and Hachimen for Marduk
  • Eldred for almost any god, if the player has finished the campaign with that god

Charlotte [ ]

Charlotte is a wizard, a geomancer and one of James' champions.

Charnel [ ]

Charnel is one of the traditional five gods who rule the world of Sacrifice. The wizard skill he teaches is called Necromancy, his realm is named Stygia and his followers are known as the Minions.

Cindercrag [ ]

Cindercrag is a land in Pyroborea.

Cog [ ]

Cog is one of Pyro's Proles, manufactured in the factories of Pyroborea.

Conversion [ ]

Conversion is a process of refining heathen souls by separating the soul from the body and thus making it one of the wizard's who started the conversion process. This is done by offering them at an altar or a shrine and processing them through an elaborate ritual performed by 4 Sac Doctors. The body of the slain foe is transported to the place of conversion by another Sac Doctor in a hovering stasis field that briefly resurrects the foe before the conversion takes place. If interrupted, the foe remains resurrected.

Creator [ ]

The Holy War is over. The demons of Gologotha[sic] have been banished, yet the cost has been terribly high. The Creator, god of the Fyllid, has been defeated and the faith of the people has begun to wane. – Sacrifice's Box Art

The Creator is the original god of the world of Sacrifice. He created the world and its occupants. He was later destroyed during the Holy War by the demons that the Fallen One released with the creation of the Demon Gate. The death of the Creator paved the way for the emergence of the five traditional gods that now rule the world of Sacrifice, following the interregnum of the titans. His role as the only god is sought by all of the five gods, especially Stratos.

Crossroad of Abaddon [ ]

Full name of Abaddon.

Cult of Ashur [ ]

Cult of Ashur is a faction revolving around the worship of Marduk, under the name of Ashur. The cult's mundane leader was Jadugarr.

D [ ]

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Daven [ ]

Daven, also know as "The Daven Forest", is a land in Elysium. It is known for being the home of the Fyllid and for housing the sacred Daven Tree.

The Daven Tree

Daven Tree [ ]

The Daven Tree is the greatest tree in the Daven Forest and a holy artifact taken care of by the druids of the Fyllid people in their home.

Deadeye [ ]

Deadeye is one of Charnel's Minions. It is a corrupted version of the Gnome.

Death Gunhead [ ]

Death Gunhead was a name for the Styx used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Demon [ ]

Demons are a group of supernatural beings not descendant from any creature of the Creator. They are native to the various demon realms (such as Tartarus) and arrived at the world of Sacrifice via the Demon Gate. The two most notable demons are Astaroth and Marduk. There are two known demon species that resides in the world of Sacrifice: the netherfiends and the hellmouths.

The Demon Gate

Demon Gate [ ]

The Demon Gate of Golgotha is a violently created fracture in the world of Sacrifice, created by the Fallen One, that leads to nether realms of demons.

Desecration [ ]

Desecration, also known as banishment, is a process of severing the wizard's link to their patron god. This is done at an enemy's altar or an ultimate altar, through an elaborate ritual performed by 4 Sac Doctors and an allied creature. By sacrificing a creature not belonging to the enemy wizard on his altar, that wizard loses his/her power of resurrection and stays dead after being killed. The ritual can be interrupted by killing one of the Sac Doctors performing it.

Diallia [ ]

Diallia is a land in Elysium.

Dragon [ ]

Dragon is one of Persephone's Faithful, probably not native to the world of Sacrifice, since the species has been reported to live in other worlds (such as Jhera, although they are extinct there). In Elysium, their matriarch is the dragoness Sirocco.

Dragonfry [ ]

Dragonfry was a name for the Phoenix used in the pre-release time and in some of the rendered art.

Druid [ ]

Druid is one of Persephone's Faithful, native to the Daven Forest. Druids are members of the race known as the Fyllid.

Dys [ ]

Dys is the capital of the Stygia and home to Charnel.

E [ ]

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Earth Cakatwo [ ]

Earth Cakatwo was a name for the Ikarus used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Rendered Art of an Earth Ogre

Earth Ogre [ ]

Earth Ogre is a canceled creature, meant to be James' brawler and replace Taurock.

Earth Sluggo [ ]

Earth Sluggo was a name for Basilisk used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Earthfling [ ]

Earthfling is one of James' Yeomen, native to Glebe. They live in tribes. Earthfling is also the name for the species from which three types of creatures originate: The Earthflings, the Flame Minions and the Fallen.

Eldred [ ]

Into this divided land steps a wizard, a man haunted by his past, whose choices will shape the future.
Which god will he choose? Will he sacrifice himself to change this world for the better, or will what remains of this world be sacrificed for one god's glory?
– Sacrifice's Box Art

Eldred is a wizard and the protagonist of the story of Sacrifice.

Elementalism [ ]

Elementalism is an arcane magical skill of Stratos that teaches the wizards to use the powers of lightning, ice and wind. The creatures that are conjured via Elementalism are called Servants of Stratos and the wizards who use it are called elementalists. The known elementalists are Abraxus and Jadugarr.

Elmekia [ ]

Elmekia is a land in Elysium.

Elysium [ ]

Elysium is the realm of Persephone. It is made out of the following known islands: Idylliac, Arborea, Urghaz, Telluria, Elmekia, Pellanon, Daven and Diallia.

Emperor [ ]

The full title of the Emperor of Pyroborea belongs to the reigning mundane ruler of Pyro's realm. The only individual known to have that title is Empress Sorcha. In one of the possible endings for the game, Eldred succeeds her as the Emperor.

Empyrea [ ]

Empyrea is the realm of Stratos. It is made out of the following known islands: Thryhring, Surtur's Keep and Mt. Orichalchis.

Ent [ ]

Ent is one of Persephone's Faithful, native to Arborea.

Rendered Art of an Executioner

Executioner [ ]

Executioner is a canceled creature meant to be Charnel's brawler and replace Netherfiend.

Ethereal Realm [ ]

Ethereal Realm is a realm in the world of Sacrifice where gods communicate with one another and with the spiritual forms of their wizards. It is also where the intermissions take place.

F [ ]

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Factory [ ]

Factories are Pyro's most prominent creations. They can be found in almost all parts of Pyroborea.

Faestus [ ]

Faestus is a gnome inventor, brother of the gnome chieftain and a high king candidate Thestor, the founder of Pyromania and one its most prominent advocate. Some of his most notable inventions are the firefists and the Pyrodraulic Dynamo™, while he also participated in the development of the Helios Magnifryers.

Faithful [ ]

The Faithful are the followers of Persephone.

Fallen [ ]

Fallen is one of Charnel's Minions. It is a corrupted subspecies of the Earthfling.

Fallen One [ ]

The Fallen One is a member of the Fyllid race responsible for the opening of the Demon Gate in Golgotha. His unorthodox use of the teachings of the Creator resulted in Creator's death by the hands of the demons whom he helped to access the world of Sacrifice. Creator's death resulted in the fracturing of the lands to look as they do in the game and ultimately to the fracturing of faith among the denizens of the world of Sacrifice to five gods. Even though he once had a name of his own, he is now remembered only by his moniker Fallen One by the Fyllid.

Familiar [ ]

Familiars are wizards' advisors sent by the gods or conjured by wizards themselves. They are extremely knowledgeable about the world of Sacrifice, its inhabitants, lands and customs. The only two known familiars are Zyzyx (Eldred's familiar) and the Tutorial Homunculus (Shakti's familiar).

Farmer [ ]

Farmer is a member of the civilian population of the Glebe.

Rendered Art of a Fire Ballman

Fire Ballman [ ]

Fire Ballman is a canceled creature, meant to be Pyro's sniper and replace Pyromaniac.

Fire Giant [ ]

Fire Giants were one of the numerous types of titans that ruled the world of Sacrifice after the death of the Creator, but before the appearance of the five gods, after which they were eventually exterminated due to not being submissive to the will of the gods.

Fire Gunhead [ ]

Fire Gunhead was a name for the Warmonger used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Fire Hosebat [ ]

Fire Hosebat was a name for the Spitfire used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Firefist [ ]

Firefist is one of Pyro's Proles, created from a troll.

Flame Minion [ ]

Flame Minion is one of Pyro's Proles. It is a subspecies of the Earthfling.

Flummox [ ]

Flummox is one of James' Yeomen, native to the Glebe. It is a battle-trained version of the Lummox.

Flurry [ ]

Flurry is one of Stratos' Servants. It is a subspecies of the Lummox.

Frostwolf [ ]

Frostwolf is one of Stratos' Servants, native to Empyrea and Elysium.

Fyllid [ ]

The Fyllid were once the primary servants of the Creator and the dominant race in the world of Sacrifice. After the death of the Creator, their role was subsided to being only the primary servants of one of the newly-appeared five gods, Persephone. They serve the Goddess in two fashions: either by being rangers or druids. More famous members of their race are the druid Athelas and the Fallen One.

G [ ]

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Gammel [ ]

Gammel is a war hero of the Yeomen and the ever-arrogant protector of the Glebe. He is known for fighting in both the first and the last battle of Karn.

Gangrel [ ]

Gangrel is the strongest and most vicious scythe in Charnel's employ. Using the Demon Gate, his body was used as the host for the demon lord Astaroth.

Gargoyle [ ]

Gargoyle is one of James' Yeomen, native to the Glebe.

Geomancy [ ]

Geomancy is an arcane magical skill of James that teaches the wizards to use the powers of earth. The creatures that are conjured via Geomancy are called the Yeomen of James and the wizards who use it are called geomancers. Known geomancers are: Grakkus and Charlotte.

Glebe [ ]

Glebe is the realm of James. It is made out of the following known islands: Agothera, Karn, Solis, Orgren and Quorog.

Gnome [ ]

Gnome is one of Persephone's Faithful, native not to the world of Sacrifice but from somewhere beyond. As a race, the gnomes were transported to the world of Sacrifice by Persephone, and while they are her traditional followers, due to rigid teachings she has imposed on them, many have defected to other gods. Gnomes are thus divided into three subspecies: the traditional Gnomes who wield Hand Cannons and serve Persephone, Pyromaniacs and Deadeyes.
The gnomes hold much deep-seated resentment for the trolls with whom they have had a long history of conflict. They also appear to be democratic in nature: every seven years they elect a high king to rule over them. The place of elections and possibly an adopted home of theirs is Pellanon.

The five traditional gods

God [ ]

A god is any being that has received enough veneration to be considered divine by their followers. While traditionally only five gods exist (Persephone, James, Stratos, Pyro and Charnel), some others have wielded enough power to call themselves gods; such as the demon Marduk with a vast number of followers and the deceased Creator, once the sole god of the world of Sacrifice.

Golgotha [ ]

Golgotha is a land in Stygia. It is known for its Demon Gate.

Rendered Art of a Gorgon

Gorgon [ ]

Gorgon is a canceled creature, meant to be James' bug and replace Basilisk.

Grakkus [ ]

Grakkus is a wizard, a geomancer and one of James' champions.

Gremlin [ ]

Gremlin is one of Persephone's Faithful. As a race, the gremlins were created by Persephone as one of the first sentient species upon which she bequeathed intelligence. They were used by Persephone as messengers. There are two subspecies of the gremlin: the traditional Gremlin and the Seraph.

Gutchucker [ ]

Gutchucker (sometimes also Gut Chucker or Gutcruncher) was a name for Mutant (and possibly Abomination) used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Gunhead [ ]

Gunhead was a name for Maelstrom used in pre-release time and in some of the rendered art.

H [ ]

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Hachimen [ ]

Hachimen is a wizard, a mercenary, an Ashur cultist and one of Marduk's champions.

Helios [ ]

Helios is the capital of the Pyroborea and home to Pyro.

Hellmouth [ ]

Hellmouth is one of Charnel's Minions, a demon in origins.

High King [ ]

A High King is an elected leader of the gnomes. The elections are held in Pellanon every seven years. Any candidate may be disqualified from a future candidature by going against the wishes of the current high king.

Holy War [ ]

"The Fyllid and all of creation watched in stunned silence as the benevolent Creator warred with the Demons of the nether, but the forces of hell proved too much for even he." – Athelas, The Manual, excerpt from the Book of Fyllid

The Holy War was a fight waged between the Creator of the world of Sacrifice and the demons brought forth by Fallen One's experiments that created the Demon Gate in Golgotha.
The aftermath of the Holy War brought everlasting changes. While the Creator was slain, the demons did not complete their invasion of the world. In fact, with the death of the Creator, the sundering of the earth, started by the rupture at Golgotha, had continued, creating the realms and the creatures as they are by the beginning of the campaign. With the absence of a supreme god, an interregnum of the Titans was ushered, lasting until the essence of the Creator had rematerialized in the form of five new gods.

Homunculus [ ]

A name used by the Tutorial Homunculus to describe itself. See the main entry at Familiar.

Hosebat [ ]

Hosebat was a name for the Shrike used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

I [ ]

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Ice Dragon [ ]

Ice Dragon was a name for the Silverback used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Ickarus [ ]

Ickarus was a name for the Ikarus used in some of the rendered art.

Idylliac [ ]

Idylliac is the capital of the Elysium and home to Persephone.

Ikarus [ ]

Ikarus is one of James' Yeomen, native to the Glebe.

Imp [ ]

A name used by Marduk to describe Zyzyx in the Eldred's encounter with Marduk. See the main entry at Familiar.

Isanaga [ ]

Isanaga was a name for Seerix used in some of the triggers in Scapex.

Island [ ]

Islands are the basic units of which the world of Sacrifice and its realms are made.

J [ ]

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Jabberocky [ ]

Jabberocky was a name for the Jabberrocky used in some of the rendered art.

Jabberrocky [ ]

Jabberrocky is one of James' Yeomen.

Jadugarr [ ]

Jadugarr is a wizard, a rogue elementalist, the mundane leader of the Cult of Ashur and one of Marduk's champions. He is also the last living centaur.

James [ ]

James is one of the traditional five gods who rule the world of Sacrifice. The wizard skill he teaches is called Geomancy, his realm is named the Glebe and his followers are known as the Yeomen.

Jarnwar [ ]

Jarnwar was a name for Jadugarr used in the pre-release time, in some of the the triggers in Scapex and in some of the rendered art.

Jhera [ ]

Jhera is a nation or a world from which the game's protagonist Eldred originates. It was destroyed by the demon Marduk, summoned by Eldred himself, a decision he regretted for the rest of his life.

K [ ]

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Karn [ ]

Karn is a land in the Glebe.

Khiros [ ]

Khiros was a name for Jadugarr used in some of the triggers in Scapex.

Klappon [ ]

Klappon was a name for the Flame Minion used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

L [ ]

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Locust [ ]

Locust is one of Charnel's Minions, native to Abaddon.

Lummox [ ]

Lummox is a simple-minded creature native to the mountain ranges of the world of Sacrifice. As they can carry and toss heavy weights with their strong tails, many gods have decided to use them as artillery in their armies. Thus there are several subspecies of the lummox: the Flummox, the Flurry and the Bombard.

M [ ]

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RA of a Maelstrom

Maelstrom [ ]

Maelstrom is a canceled creature, meant to be Stratos' Hard-hitter (despite being a Glass Cannon rather than a Tank) and replace Yeti.

Magmar [ ]

Magmar is a land in Pyroborea.

One of the Magnifryers in Helios

Magnifryer [ ]

Magnifryer is a beam with a cylinder attached to the top of it, from which a focused laser is fired. It was invented by the Pyromania inventors (most notable being Faestus) in Helios as a defensive measure against foreign invaders. However, during said invasions, the Magnifryer proved to be flawed. Due to its high beam and the inability of the cylinder to rotate full 360 degrees on all three axes, the Magnifryer was unable to vaporize anything directly adjacent to the base of the beam. Also, the Magnifryers fired magical damage which was easily countered by creatures with high magical immunity. Although the only successfully implemented Magnifryers were those of Pyro, there are also Charnel's Magnifryers left unused in Scapex.

Mana [ ]

Mana is one of the few natural resources in the world of Sacrifice. After the death of the Creator, the land was ripped apart into islands and the first Mana Fountains were formed providing the mana for all to harvest. It is used by wizards to cast spells and by creatures to cast their abilities and perform their ranged attacks.

Mana Fountain [ ]

Mana Fountains are magical geysers - ruptures in the earth from which mana flows.

Mana Fount [ ]

Shortened form of Mana Fountain.

Manahoar [ ]

Manahoar, like the Sac Doctor, is a universal creature to all gods, used by their wizards to deliver mana to them from various distances from the manaliths.

Manalith [ ]

Manalith is a structure with which a wizard claims all the mana at a Mana Fountain for their own use and that of their allies. It prevents other neutral or hostile creatures and wizards to obtain any mana from it and also makes manahoars able to draw mana from it from a distance.

Marduk [ ]

Marduk is a wizard, a demon and the divine leader of the Cult of Ashur.

Minions [ ]

Minions are the followers of Charnel.

Mithras [ ]

Mithras is a wizard and a prophet.

Mutant [ ]

Mutant is one of Persephone's Faithful, possibly created by Faestus' experiments on the trolls in Urghaz.

Mysticism [ ]

Mysticism is an arcane magical skill of Persephone that teaches the wizards to use the powers of nature and life. The creatures that are conjured via Mysticism are called the Faithful of Persephone and the wizards who use it are called mystics. Known mystics are: Yogo, Shakti and Seerix.

N [ ]

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Necromancy [ ]

Necromancy is an arcane magical skill of Charnel that teaches the wizards to use the powers of pestilence, corruption and death. The creatures that are conjured via Necromancy are called Minions of Charnel and the wizards who use it are called necromancers. Known necromancers are: Acheron, Seerix and Ragman.

Necryl [ ]

Necryl is one of Charnel's Minions, native to Stygia.

Netherfiend [ ]

Netherfiend is one of Charnel's Minions, a demon in origins.

O [ ]

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Orgren [ ]

Orgren is a land in Glebe.

Orichalchis [ ]

Orichalchis is a land in Empyrea.

P [ ]

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Peasant [ ]

Peasant is a member of the civilian population of Elysium.

Pellanon [ ]

Pellanon is a land in Elysium.

Persephone [ ]

Persephone is one of the traditional five gods who rule the world of Sacrifice. The wizard skill she teaches is called Mysticism, her realm is named Elysium and her followers are known as the Faithful.

Phoenix [ ]

Phoenix is one of Pyro's Proles of unknown origins.

A Plague Wort

Plague Wort [ ]

Plague Wort is a mushroom-like structure used by Charnel to terror-form the realms of other gods and make them more suitable to his own needs.

Prime Altar [ ]

See Ultimate Altar.

Proles [ ]

Proles, also known as the "Proles of Pyro", are the followers of Pyro.

Pyro [ ]

Pyro is one of the traditional five gods who rule the world of Sacrifice. The wizard skill he teaches is called Sorcery, his realm is named Pyroborea and his followers are known as the Proles.

Pyroborea [ ]

Pyroborea is the realm of Pyro. It is made out of the following known islands: Helios, Cindercrag, Ash, Magmar and Sere.

Pyrodactyl [ ]

Pyrodactyl is one of Pyro's Proles of unknown origins.

Pyrodraulic Dynamo™ [ ]

Pyrodraulic Dynamo™ is a structure used to extract magma from an island's core and release it in a form of a violent eruption. The prototype was constructed in Cindercrag and powered by slave labor.

Pyromania [ ]

Pyromania is an ideology among the gnomes started by Faestus when defecting to Pyro. The followers of it are called Pyromaniacs and they believe that Persephone is slowing down their inventions and the overall progress of gnomish science, because of her rigid beliefs. They have therefore decided that Pyro would be a more suitable patron for them.

Pyromaniac [ ]

Pyromaniac is one of Pyro's Proles. It is a Pyromania-converted version of the Gnome.

Q [ ]

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Quorog [ ]

Quorog is a land in Glebe.

R [ ]

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Ragman [ ]

The Ragman is a wizard, a necromancer and a Minion of Charnel. He is also Charnel's former champion, known as the Lord of Terror.

Ranger [ ]

Ranger is one of Persephone's Faithful, native to the Daven Forest. Rangers are members of the race known as the Fyllid.

Realm [ ]

Petty squabbles among the five remaining gods has caused the land to split into five mystical territories - each at war with one another. – Sacrifice's Box Art

While traditionally, realms are considered to be one of the domains of the five traditional gods (Elysium, Glebe, Empyrea, Pyroborea and Stygia), the term can be used to label other worlds as well.

Rhinock [ ]

Rhinock was a name for the Rhinok used in some of the rendered art.

Rhinok [ ]

Rhinok is one of James' Yeomen of unknown origins.

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Sac Doctor [ ]

Sac Doctor, like the Manahoar, is a universal creature to all gods, used by their wizards to for conversion and desecration.

Sara Bella [ ]

Sara Bella is the most intelligent of the Brainiacs and the only known protégée of Stratos. Her mind power is so strong, she has the ability to block links between gods and their servants, particularly wizards, thus making them susceptible to death by banishment.

Sawman [ ]

Sawman was a name for Executioner used in pre-release time and in some of the rendered art.

Scarab [ ]

Scarab is one of Persephone's Faithful, native to Elysium.

Rendered Art of a Scorpion

Scorpion [ ]

Scorpion is a canceled creature, meant to be Persephone's bug and replace Scarab.

Scyth [ ]

Scyth was a name for the Scythe used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Scythe [ ]

Scythe is one of Charnel's Minions, native to Stygia.

Seerix [ ]

Seerix is a wizard, a necromancer and a Minion of Charnel.

Seraph [ ]

Seraph is one of Stratos' Servants. They are a subspecies of gremlins, created during the War of Purification.

Seraphim [ ]

Seraphim was a name for the Seraph used in some of the rendered art. Now it's the plural form of Seraph.

Sere [ ]

Sere is a land in Pyroborea.

Servants [ ]

Servants, also known as the "Servants of Stratos", are the followers of Stratos.

Shakti [ ]

Shakti is a wizard, a mystic and a Faithful of Persephone.

Shrike [ ]

Shrike is one of Persephone's Faithful, probably native to Telluria.

Shrine [ ]

Shrine is a structure, used by wizards for faster communication with their gods. It is a smaller, destructible version of the altar used to convert souls on-site rather than at the altar. It saves time for Sac Doctors by making them walk shorter distances.

Silverback [ ]

Silverback is one of Stratos' Servants.

Sirocco [ ]

Sirocco is the mother of all dragons and also the only known dragoness in the world of Sacrifice.

Slave [ ]

Slave is a member of the civilian population of Pyroborea.

Snowman [ ]

Snowman is a member of the civilian population of Empyrea.

Solis [ ]

Solis is a land in Glebe.

Sorcery [ ]

Sorcery is an arcane magical skill of Pyro that teaches the wizards to use the powers of fire. The creatures that are conjured via Sorcery are called Proles of Pyro and the wizards who use it are called sorcerers. Known sorcerers are: Sorcha, Buta and Hachimen.

Sorcha [ ]

Sorcha is a wizard, a sorceress and one of Pyro's champions. She carries the title of Empress of Pyroborea.

Souls [ ]

Souls are a major resource in the world of Sacrifice.

Spitfire [ ]

Spitfire is one of Pyro's Proles.

Springer [ ]

Springer was a name for the Gremlin used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Squall [ ]

Squall is one of Stratos' Servants, descended from the airborne squawks.

Squawk [ ]

Squawk is a bird, native to Empyrea, from which Stratos created the land-locked squall.

Stomper [ ]

Stomper was a name for the Ent used in pre-release time and in some of the concept art.

Storm Giant [ ]

Storm Giant is one of Stratos' Servants, titan in origins.

Stratos [ ]

Stratos is one of the traditional five gods who rule the world of Sacrifice. The wizard skill he teaches is called Elementalism, his realm is named Empyrea and his followers are known as the Servants.

Stygia [ ]

Stygia is the realm of Charnel. It is made out of the following known islands: Dys, Golgotha and Crossroads of Abaddon.

Stymon [ ]

Stymon was a name for Grakkus used in some of the triggers in Scapex.

Styx [ ]

Styx is one of Charnel's Minions.

Surtur [ ]

Lord Surtur is the lord of Surtur's Keep, husband of lady Abraxus and the leader of the Storm Giants. His negotiations with Stratos allowed his kind to survive the god's extermination of the titans.

Dual islands of Surtur's Keep

Surtur's Keep [ ]

Surtur's Keep is a land in Empyrea.

Sylph [ ]

Sylph is one of Stratos' Servants, native to Empyrea.

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Tartarus [ ]

Tartarus is a demonic realm. Except for the known demon species of the world of Sacrifice that could have arrived there from Tartarus, the only known demon from Tartarus is lord Astaroth.

Taurock [ ]

Taurock is one of James' Yeomen, native to the Glebe.

Terror-forming [ ]

Terror-forming is a process used by Charnel to transform the other gods' islands into a meat-island alike those of Stygia. The only known method of terror-forming is by the use of Plague Worts. It is unknown if the other gods have counterparts of this invasive process.

Thestor [ ]

Thestor is a chieftain of the gnomes and also a high king candidate. Like his brother Faestus, he is also of a treacherous nature.

Thryhring [ ]

Thryhring is the capital of the Empyrea and home to Stratos.

Tick [ ]

Tick is a creature native to Elysium, from which the vortick and the tickferno are descended.

Tickferno [ ]

Tickferno is one of Pyro's Proles, possibly descended from the tick.

Titan [ ]

Titans were a set of being who superseded the Creator as the main power in the world of Sacrifice. They proved to be an affront to the five gods who in turn had them exterminated. The only known titans are the fire giants and the storm giants, of which only the latter survive in any greater quantities. This is also the fan-made name for level 9 creatures.

Toldor [ ]

Toldor is one of the oldest beings in the world of the Sacrifice, second only to the gods themselves. He is a faithful follower of Persephone and a protector of his people and his home.

Trogg [ ]

Trogg is one of James' Yeomen, native to the Glebe.

Troll [ ]

Troll is one of Persephone's Faithful, native to Urghaz.

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Ultimate Altar [ ]

Ultimate altar (also known as the prime altar) is an altar of a god. It is always found in the respective god's capital. Much like when a wizard's altar is desecrated and the wizard is banished, when the ultimate altar is desecrated a god is banished. The god no longer retains the right to be worshiped and may return only after a considerable time has passed and most likely in a different form.

Urghaz [ ]

Urghaz is a land in Elysium and home to trolls.

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Vanya [ ]

Vanya was a name for Sorcha used in some of the triggers in Scapex.

Villages [ ]

Villages are the most prominent settlements in the world of Sacrifice. While several fortresses are mentioned (one is even seen) and cities are mentioned to exist by Stratos in the finale, no other settlements besides villages exist. They are filled mostly with local civilian populace and structure with the style of construction native to the realm in question.

Vortick [ ]

Vortick is one of Stratos' Servants, descended from the ordinary tick.

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War of Purification [ ]

The War of Purification is the only known war that happened in the world of Sacrifice before the campaign with its own name. Persephone called for a holy crusade against at least Charnel. The war is remembered as cruel. Diallia was razed to the ground and its population exterminated after the temple guardians there betrayed Persephone. Due to the perceived senselessness of the war, many gremlins defected to Stratos. The war was concluded with the victory for the Faithful. As a result the use of the Demon Gate was banned for all the gods, however the Gate itself wasn't destroyed. To deny its use to Charnel, other gods had taken turns at protecting the Gate. This, in turn, led to a decrease in the number of demons in the world of Sacrifice, especially the Netherfiends.

Warmonger [ ]

Warmonger is one of Pyro's Proles, manufactured in the factories of Pyroborea.

Wars [ ]

"There have been other Wars between the gods..." – Mithras, Shadow of the Past (Intermission)
"Everyone, wait! Haven't we all had enough of Wars?" – James, Balance of Power (Intermission) The Wars (with the capitalized "W") are a series of wars that happened before Sacrifice's campaign:

  • Holy War
  • War of Purification
  • A war between Stratos and Persephone started by the murder of Athelas while he was a guest at Surtur's Keep
  • The war between the gods that takes the better part of the campaign of Sacrifice. However, this war is not considered as being part of the "Wars".

Wizard [ ]

Wizards are powerful beings matched only by the gods in their might and knowledge. They are the leaders and summoners of armies that wield spells with great potential for devastation. A wizard can be defeated by being banished.

Rendered Art of a Wrecktangle

Wrecktangle [ ]

Wrecktangle is a canceled creature, meant to be Pyro's Hard-hitter (and a Tank rather than a Glass Cannon) and replace Warmonger.

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Yeomen [ ]

Yeomen, also known as the "Yeomen of the Glebe", are the followers of James.

Yeti [ ]

Yeti is one of Stratos' Servants, native to Empyrea.

Yogo [ ]

Yogo is a wizard, a mystic and Persephone's champion.

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Zombie [ ]

Zombie is a member of the civilian population of Stygia.

Zyzyx [ ]

Zyzyx is a familiar serving Eldred and is one of the most knowledgeable beings in the world of Sacrifice.


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